Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cluttered Mind

Thinking is a dangerous pastime for me. I generally try to keep my mind occupied and my body moving so as not to think about the world that I move, eat, and converse within daily. I find the stimulation of an active, youthful, productive existence to be quite useful in diverting myself from the disturbing realities of society today...the world tomorrow...morality today...the youth tomorrow...the future...

Today I sit and think. My aching body allows little else.

I realize that everything that was once, no longer is. What will be, never was. Yet all is the same. When will tomorrow become yesterday? Why can't yesterday become tomorrow? I very much wish that it could.

The hundred things we've lost far outweigh the millions we've gained. One lost promise never forgiven, two lost who never return.

Where purity leaves only filth can remain. Where innocence dies corruption thrives.

The time has come to make a change. That time was generations ago.
It came...
it went...
it didn't happen.

It never will.